How to Obedience Train Your Puppy Before It's 10 Weeks Old
Most people think obedience training should not start until the puppy is 5 months old. This is often wrong because by the time the puppy has been with you a month, it will already try to become the leader.
- Let your puppy know who's boss. The minute your new puppy walks into your house (your domain) he/she is under your rules. Let him/her know that by entering the house first and making the puppy wait outside for a minute.
- Eat before he does. Next, the puppy should eat after you and know he is eating after you. This means he should be in the room watching you eat. After you finish, feed him.
- Put him to bed earlier than you. The puppy should go to bed before you, if he sleeps in a crate place him in the crate 10 minutes prior to you going to bed. If using a bed, do the same thing and close the door. Both say "It's YOUR bedtime, not mine."
- Teach him about 'time out'. If the puppy does something you disapprove of, a time out is a good way to set him/her straight. Place him in the bathroom and close the door. (See Tips Section to Determine for How Long.)
- To determine a time out time, the rule is, 1 minute for every month old he is. Ex: A 3 Month Old Puppy- 3 Minutes. This rule should stop at 9 months old and start the next time out rule. (Below)
- After 9 Months of this rule, start matching time to offense because 10 minutes is a rather lengthy time out. Ex: Tearing up Curtains- 5 Minutes. Running out the door- 3 Minutes.
- Do NOT match time to value meaning if you gave him 4 minutes for tearing up an old shoe, it should not be 20 minutes for tearing up a new shoe. He won't get the difference. All he sees is a shoe.
- NEVER give in. This will just make him think he has a chance when he wants something later on.
- Don't Forget this is still a baby. Don't be too harsh and remember to love him/her constantly.
- Don't hit the puppy. This will just make him hand shy later on. If you must punish him with pain, take your hand and make a claw. Put the claw on his backside and give a quick squeeze with your nails. This simulates a bite which is a natural punishment with wolfs in the wild. It works best if you put your head near the place being "bitten" for a more real feel.
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