Monday, April 16, 2012

Dog Litter Box Training in 3 Easy Steps

It really is quite simple to litter box train a dog. Most people dread this aspect of being a dog owner. These days it is almost as easy as a litter box for a cat. Before reviewing the 3 steps to successful litter box training for your pooch, there are a few things that you always need to keep in mind when training or disciplining a dog. Always consider the previous training level and habits of your dog. Remember that trainability does range greatly by breed. Some breeds are extremely easy to train while others are some what stubborn and a bit more difficult to train. These dogs may take a little more work but they are trainable.
Lets talk about the litter box system itself first. The Ugodog dog litter box is made of sturdy material that can handle a great amount of weight. What sets this system apart from other ones is that its grates are specifically designed to be kind to sensitive doggy paws. The way the grates are made is specific as to not cut the bottom of the paw pads. Also, the openings are small enough so that even the tiniest dogs will not get their paws trapped. The grates also are two separate pieces to allow for easier clean up. This system is eco-friendly, durable, inexpensive and no replacement parts needed! That is why this is my pet potty pick.
When potty training your pooch, remember that age can be a factor. That said, even older dogs can be trained to use a dog litter box. All you need for this system to be effective is the system itself, some newspaper or paper towels. You can use pee pads underneath the grates but this is expensive and not very environmentally friendly. Newspaper works just as well. Once the dog is trained to use the system, you do not even need newspaper. You can just dump the urine at the end of the day in the toilet and discard any poo that is on top of the grates.   
Training tips as easy as 1-2-3:
1) Place the dog litter box in a spot that your dog is used to going on pee pads or if they are use to going outside, place it where you would like.
2) Use a paper towel or newspaper that is soaked with you dogs own urine and place it underneath the grates.
3) When your dog needs to go lead them to the litter box and they will know their own scent and begin to go potty there!
Make sure when you are training your dog that you use repetitive words like, go potty, and positive reinforcement. Some dogs may be shy at first and have accidents. If they do, when you clean up the accident use that urine under the grate and lead your dog over too it after an accident. This should make for an easier life for you and your pooch. No more wet paws or torn up pee pads. Do not forget that furry little friend still needs exercise. So do not eliminate walks. 

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