Arthritis is generally a medical term that denotes any kind of abnormalities or changes in the joints and the structural architecture of the body. It might be the result of an infection, congenital defects, stress or even trauma. Such a condition is usually known as 'Canine Arthritis' in dogs. It might occur in your pet's neck, shoulders, hips, elbows and back and can be extremely painful. Thus, it becomes necessary that you remain aware of the subtle changes in your pet's behavior for an early diagnose of the disease. Identifying early indicators of the disease can save a lot of pain and discomfort for your dog. It will also help you to avoid fatal repercussions associated with long-term joint degeneration. In the following lines, we provide you with the various symptoms, causes and treatments of Arthritis pain in dogs.
- Consciousness while climbing stairs or hesitancy in jumping fences etc
- Difficulty while sitting, standing or other forms of movement
- Increased hours of sleeping
- Increased lethargy and inactivity
- Less inclination towards playful activities
- Noticeable limping or pain
- Stiffness in limbs, especially during the mornings
- Sudden and unusual weight gain
- Unwillingness to be patted, touched or picked
Causes of Arthritis in Dogs
- Diseases like Cancer might also give birth to various arthritic problems.
- Improper bone development in young dogs may give birth to arthritis.
- In some dogs, the disease may be genetically transferred.
- Metabolic disorders and other hormonal problems lead to arthritis.
- Overweight and obesity may lead to swollen joints.
- Sometimes, a traumatic injury might also lead to joint instability.
How to Treat Arthritis in Dogs
Here are some measures that you can take to cure the problem of Arthritis in your dog.
Here are some measures that you can take to cure the problem of Arthritis in your dog.
- Acupuncture techniques by a good veterinarian will also help to remove arthritic pain in your pet.
- Consult your veterinarian and give your pet anti-inflammatory and pain-relief medication when necessary.
- Give him adequate rest and provide him with a comfortable sleeping area.
- Provide him adequate exercise and help him stay fit and healthy.
- Provide your pet a balanced diet and keep a regular check on his weight.
- Surgical repair of ligaments can also be done to get rid of the problem.
- Various herbal medication are available that helps to get rid of the problem, effectively and holistically.
- Various massage therapies can alleviate Arthritis in dogs. Take the advice of your veterinarian.
However acute arthritic pain your dog suffers from; he cannot come up to you and share it. It is you who should be alert and keep a track of his various health related problems. Make it a point to take your pet to regular health check-ups and help him lead a happy and healthy life.
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